Six ways the Global Water Goals could change the world

September 28, 2015 / Glen Reynolds

For the first time ever:

1. World leaders have publically acknowledged that water and sanitation are vital for eradicating poverty

This is a huge step forward, because it will make access to clean water and safe toilets a central part of international development plans.

2. The links between taps and toilets and happier, healthier futures are being recognised

Access to these basic but life-saving facilities can improve every aspect of a person’s life, from their health and wellbeing to their education, employment opportunities and family life.

3. We have a global target for reaching everyone everywhere with taps and toilets

Today, world leaders made a commitment to work towards universal coverage by 2030.

4. We could see an end to extreme poverty – and soon

Not only does the world now have a target date for ending extreme poverty, we also have a list of priorities which could get us there in just 15 years.

5. We have a plan designed with the world’s poorest people

This weekend marks the end of over three years of worldwide consultations and negotiations, in which the people most affected by poverty have had their voices heard.

6. We’ll all be able to hold our leaders accountable

The #telleveryone campaign aims to make sure people everywhere know about the commitments that have been made, so they can can hold their governments and leaders to account. You can help by sharing this film >

All in all, it’s been a momentous day.

And although we know there’s still an incredible amount of work to be done, to make sure the Global Goals stay on track and world leaders live up to their promises, we’re thrilled that all our hard work – and your incredible support – has paid off, and taps and toilets are at the top of the global agenda where they belong.

Raise a glass (of water) to the Global Goals!

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